How To Service Panasonic Aircon?

Home owners in Singapore need many equipment in their houses in order to get the required standards of comport. Air conditioning is among the systems in a house that many home owners in Singapore need to install in order to offer this comfort. This system ensures that there is inlet for fresh air to come in and also outlet for stale air to leave. However, home owners need to service their air conditioners regularly in order to lower the energy and repair costs, prolong its life and also prevent breakdowns. 

Some maintenance job should be left to the experts, but there is much that you as a homeowner can do to prolong its life and keeping it running efficiently. Below are important tips on how to service your Panasonic Aircon:

Do regular checkups on your air conditioner 
Many home owner avoid the regular expenses that they incur by hiring a profession often to check their air conditioner. However, there are some basics things which they can do themselves in order to prevent some damages that may cause their system not to work efficiently. Regular checkups of your Panasonic air conditioner will help you to detect and repair minor damages on your system that you can do them yourself without hiring a professional. Do not wait until the day when your system will develop problems since the damage may be irreparable or it may cost you a lot of money to repair it.

Clean the air filter of your system
Panasonic air conditioners have air filters that keep germs out of the air flowing into your house. If these filters are not regularly cleaned, impurities such as dust particles may accumulate on these filters and clog them. Therefore cleaning your filters often ensures that your system is running at the peak efficiency.

Clean the front panel
Impurities that may clog the mesh of your air conditioner may also cause the mesh to rust. This may breaches the system filters and allow accumulated impurities in your house. As a result, this may trigger allergic reactions and cause great discomfort. Hence to avoid this, proper cleaning of the front panel is necessary. 

Replace old parts with new ones
When air conditioner ages, most of it parts wear and tear off. This may lower their efficiency and hence consumption rises. However, in order to reduce this, home owners should eliminate any defect. This can be done by replacing old parts that are not function well with new ones. This lowers power bills coming from these systems. 

Examine your system’s thermostat
Filters & air inlets are not the only important parts of this air conditioner. Other parts such as thermostat are also important for your system to work efficiently. The thermostat is responsible for regulating air temperature into your house and also the inflow and out flow of the air. However this depends on your settings. Make sure the thermostat is set at a temperature that is below your room temperature.

Take care of the air vent
The air vents should be serviced often. Any unevenness in its service causes the warm air to condense to form water droplets. This can cause damage of your entire system if not serviced immediately. Painting the interior walls of these vents can be helpful a lot since it will prevent rusting. 

Check your breaker
If your system cannot come on at all, the breakers could have tripped. This may be caused by many appliances that are kept on the same breaker. Therefore, it is important to check your breaker to avoid this kind of frustration or even embarrassment.

Clean your system
Sometime your system may not be operating efficiently just because it is dirty. Instead of actual repair, your unit may need only to be cleaned. On the outside of your system, you can carefully clean and remove debris that may be inside or near your unit. However, you should be careful when you are cleaning the blades and the fins since they can bend or break easily.

By following the above tips, your Panasonic air conditioner will be always working at the peak. You will also save a lot since your system will not be repaired often by a professional.

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